By the way, can you spot Chris in the class photo of the 2015/16 delegates at the Dawson Academy below?
Chris has now completed all four UK modules of the Core Curriculum at the Dawson academy on the Wirral, knotching up 92 hours of advanced training at this superb facility! This unique learning experience has helped Chris take his restorative dentistry skills to the next level to help ensure we continue to provide our patients with dentistry of the highest callibre. Chris intends to keep in touch with further advanced courses that will become available at Dawson over time so watch this space.
By the way, can you spot Chris in the class photo of the 2015/16 delegates at the Dawson Academy below?
August 2022
91 Dental CareOur small friendly team is dedicated to helping you keep your teeth and gums healthy for your lifetime and making your visits to the dentist more pleasant than you might think possible! Categories